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Thursday, April 18th, 2024: The Graf Zeppelin serves a wonderful breakfast buffet with American, German, and Asian fare. Of course, you may also order a la carte – it’s all included. Then everyone had a chance to stroll around the various shops and department stores near the hotel, about the size of Harrods in London.

Everyone met for lunch at the Graf Zeppelin Stüble. The local Maul Taschen dish was everyone’ favorite. Lunch was followed by our mandatory PowerPoint Safety Drivers’ Briefing. The key element of the entertaining briefing is that we teach you what NOT to do. The briefing is followed by everyone signing the various releases required by the PCA, Porsche, and Fast Lane.

After the briefing, it’s off to the amazing Mercedes Museum. It’s patterned after the Guggenheim in New York. You take an elevator up to the top floor and spiral your way down past some wonderful exhibits and histograms. The refrain was that one could spend two days there and still not see everything.
This evening, the group dined at the trendy new restaurant Plenum in Stuttgart. Expensive . . . but worth it.

After a delightful dinner, we strolled back through the Schlosspark to our hotel for a good night’s rest.