Wednesday, September 4: our drive guide team had the Porsches lined up in the courtyard behind the hotel in two driving groups, with everyone’s names properly displayed on their dashboards. The hotel staff blocked the traffic so we could all get out and head up the B27 towards Stuttgart’s Airport and the Autobahn A-8. “Getting out of Dodge” the first day is always a challenge because of traffic lights and morning commuter traffic. We made it smoothly onto the A-8 on this my 238th PORSCHE Tour. Shortly after the STR Airport we could open it up on the first no-speed-limit section of the German Autobahn.

About 25 minutes out of town we made our first pit stop, stretched our legs, and resolved any questions about the new Porsches. In Germany the guides refer to it as a Technical Stop. I’ll have to tell you a funny story about that term next time we see each other. We then continued up the Aichelberg to the Allgäuer High Plateau. Once again, wide open Autobahn – no speed limit – direction München. We circumnavigated Munich on the north side and whooshed through the Hofoldinger Forst towards Salzburg.
A half hour before Salzburg is this wonderful new MUST-SEE attraction: the Hans-Peter PORSCHE Traumwerk. It’s a museum, historic venue and wonderful restaurant. It’s only 5 minutes off the A-8 and fantastic.
Parking, of course, was reserved for us.

After a delicious lunch of currywurst or superb salad with fried chicken breast with nice cold Almdudler (no alcohol at lunch). We arrived at the Salzburg Sheraton about 20 minutes after lunch. Check-in was smooth and everyone was thrilled with their accommodations. Tonight, we enjoyed a Mozart Dinner Concert at the St. Peterskeller. Europe’s oldest restaurant was founded in 804 . . . yes founded 1,220 years ago. No worries, they did update the kitchen and the restrooms. The building was a former baroque monastery with wonderful acoustics.